CERT “Form A” – form

  • Complete this form for EACH speaker.

    **Complete this form for each speaker and presentation offered for this program. ** Forms will not be reviewed for approval until the application and payment is received.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
  • Include the speaker’s first and last name along with the email address.
  • Include credentials as they relate to the expertise on the topic to be presented. Do not submit CV.
  • Learner objectives: minimum of 2 [reference Bloom’s Taxonomy Measurable Verbs] [What do you expect participants to be able to learn or do after the lecture?]
  • Describe the methods use to measure if the objectives were met. Example, pre or post test, questionnaires, skill checkoff, etc.
  • This form supplements the main CERT Approval form

    **Complete this form for each speaker and presentation offered for this program. ** Forms will not be reviewed for approval until the application and payment is received.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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