TSRC Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governing body of the TSRC. This all-volunteer entity is chaired by the President and is further composed of the following voting members: the President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, the Directors of the four regions of the Society, and the Senior Delegate and Delegate to the AARC House of Delegates. Rounding out the Board are the three non-voting, appointed positions:  Medical Advisor, Industrial Representative, and Parliamentarian.  Working closely with the Board are the chairs and members of the various committees that accomplish a large portion of the work done by the TSRC each year.

TSRC Board of Directors

Dr. Tammy KurszewskiDHSc, RRT-ACCSPresidentPresident@tsrc.org
Mary HartMS, RRT, AE-C, FAARC, FCCPPast -PresidentPast-President@tsrc.org
James GravesMPH, RRT-ACCSVice PresidentVice-President@tsrc.org
Ceci OldmixonM.A.Ed., RRT, CPFTTreasurerTreasurer@tsrc.org
Dr. Jose RojasPhD, RRT, RPFT, FAARCPresident-ElectPresident-elect@tsrc.org
Dr. Brian WalshPhD, RRT, FAARCSenior DelegateSenior-Delegate@tsrc.org
Christa MitchellMBA, RRT, AE-CDelegateDelegate@tsrc.org
Tommy RustMEd, RRT, RCP, FAARCParliamentarian / HistorianParliamentarian@tsrc.org
Jeff BrunerBSRC, RRT-NPS, RCP, EMT-PIndustrial Representativeindustrial-rep-nw@tsrc.org
April GardnerMHA, RRT-NPSSecretarySecretary@tsrc.org
Kim GarciaMEd., RRT-NPSSouth Region DirectorSouth-Region@tsrc.org
Angel MelendezMHL, MSRC, RRT-NPS, AE-CWest Region DirectorWest-Region@tsrc.org
Florence Lockett-MilesMBA, RRT, AE-CNorth Region DirectorNorth-Region@tsrc.org
Jessica PatelMSc, RRT-ACCS, RRT-NPS, AE-CCentral Region DirectorCentral-Region@tsrc.org
Mark MillardMD, FCCPMedical AdvisorMedical-Advisor@tsrc.org
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