General Information
Prior to 1969, the respiratory therapy community in Texas was organized in five chapters of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy. In 1969, these five chapters came together as The Texas Society for Respiratory Therapy, an affiliate of the AART. The purpose of this new society was to improve the quality of patient care, develop regional education programs, advance the science, technology, art, and ethics of respiratory care, and facilitate cooperation between various healthcare providers and organizations.
The Texas Society for Respiratory Care continues as an affiliate of the American Association for Respiratory Care and now operates under the following Mission Statement and Core Values:
Mission Statement
Support Respiratory Care Practitioners and Advance the Science of Respiratory Care
Core Values
IDEAA (inclusion, diversity, with equity, access and accountability)
Ethical | Excellence | Vision | Professionalism | Service | Adaptable | Collaborative | Innovative | Honesty | Integrity | Respect | Advocacy | Transparency
The governing body of the TSRC is the Board of Directors. The TSRC Bylaws mandate that the Board meet at least four times during the fiscal year to conduct the business of the Society. Chaired by the TSRC President, the Board is made up of the following voting members: the President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, the presidents of the four regions of the Society, and the Senior Delegate and Delegate to the AARC House of Delegates. Rounding out the Board are the three non-voting, appointed positions of Medical Advisor, Industrial Representative, and Parliamentarian. Much of the work of the Board of Directors is centered around achieving the goals set by the President in conjunction with the Long-Range Planning committee as well as the day-to-day operation of the Society. Working closely with the Board are the chairs and members of the various committees that accomplish a large portion of the work done by the TSRC each year.
As a professional organization, the TSRC is only as strong as its membership. When we deal with outside groups, they need to know that the Respiratory Care Professionals in Texas stand united. If you are already a member of the TSRC, remember to renew to continue your membership, and recruit a new member. If you are not an AARC member, JOIN TODAY!
Texas Society for Respiratory Care
2025 Guadalupe Street, Suite 260
Austin, Texas 78705-5642
Contact us: